레이블이 p plot인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 p plot인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2016년 5월 20일 금요일

character of p value

character of p value plot(https://goo.gl/fKom4j <-you can copy and use in your lectures)

1000 tirals and 1000 p's distribution.

do you know this plot is from 1981 when I was an elementary student


Everytime you change the yellow cell, you will get new 1000 p's and their plot.

Each test and p are calculated from two groups which have 100 numbers respectively out of a sigle large group.

This plot shows the multiplicty problem
showing if you get multiple p's, type 1 error will increase.
